Our Buddy...

Our Buddy of 18 years, passed away at a good age of 20 human years last night at 8.35pm. Surrounded by all family members and wearing his favourite shirt.

He passed away peacefully. Not much struggle at all.

 It all started yesterday where he started to refuse food, and keep vomiting (guess he is trying to clean his stomach prior to death). He had be puffing and seems to be out of breath the whole day yesterday. Somehow, he waited for everyone to be back at home. He was initially wearing his green singlet, which he then walked around the house, seems to be searching something or hinting us something. He walk to the bedroom then to the kitchen entrance, then back to his favourite spot where he will lay down and rest during daytime usually. He seems shivering, so we thought of changing his shirt to his favourite red jersey which he always wore during CNY. His favourite piece of clothing I guess. After changing him to this red jersey and putting diaper on him, I went to the kitchen to clean up. Brother saw him standing up and walked one step before collapsing to the ground. He then tilted his body to the other side, with the good eye facing us. Grasping for air and vomiting and with phelgm coming out of his nose. We knew it's about time. His heartbeat slowed down.. beating a beat in about 2-3 secs interval. Having seizure at certain interval which caused him to jerk a bit. Slowly he left us peacefully. I'll be lying if I said I'm not sad,

I'm very affected by his death. Din expect it to come so fast, even though he is already 20. Little Missy cried for an hour after he left us. Kept waking up in the middle of the night crying for him also. Big Missy and me also can't sleep well. Told Little Missy that he is now with Jesus, and Jesus will take good care of him. Told her that Dicky will want us to be happy for him and not to cry, but it's difficult. I myself wept...

 Missed him so much now.. Dicky, hope you will remember us and we too, will always remember you. You had been a good buddy. Remembering how we played catching together, how you will greet me when I reached home.. sharing food with us, loving our cuddles... taking care of the kids when they are babies... I missed you so much.


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